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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/11/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting April 11, 2013
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office
Prepared by Blaze Konefal

Members Present:        Robert Mann,   Zack Boyajian,
Frank Harrison, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal
Members Absent:         Jeff Jordan, Steve Stock

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:07 pm
Minutes of the meeting on 3/14/2012 approved.
Per town warrant, the town has notified us of proposed land sales from land acquired through nonpayment of taxes. After some discussion, we have found little or no conservation value in the lands. A motion  “ The parcels have minimal conservation value and we thank the town for notifying us”, was proposed by Frank, seconded by Zach and approved unanimously. Bob will inform town.

Letter from the Heritage commission and Historical Society concerning the late Walter Sanborn property and the idea of PLAN NH was reviewed. CCC supports the concepts of Plan NH, but finds little conservation value in the property.

Bob wrote for CCC  a letter of support for the Heritage Commission’s plan to finish restoring the windows in the Grange Hall.

DES on May 1 is offering a water source protection seminar.

a.      Public Outreach: This Saturday (4/13) is a Carpenter Park work day beginning at 9 am. Plan is for trail cleanup and barberry removal.  Frank presented an idea for informational signage. Zach will see if this can be done via the new Parks and Rec grant proposal being proposed. CYA is having a Carpenter Park work day on April 27th.
b.      Land Conservation: Discussion about Pound Road land led to a plan to visit site on Saturday April 20th. Meet at library at 9 am.
c.      Spaulding Town Forest:  Forester Moreno is proposing to announce bids on May 13th, followed by a showing on May 27th. Bids to be opened on June 11th at 4 pm for presentation at CCC meeting on June 13th. Blaze and Steve Stock will contact Mr. Moreno about blazing. Mr. Moreno will include small, large and local loggers in the bid process. At next Town Meeting, we may want a warrant article stating how Town Forest Capital Reserve fund can be drawn upon.
d.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Some trees have fallen on path, Blaze will clean up. Boundary walk is scheduled for Monday, April 15th at 4 pm. Gordon will contact Mr. Plunkett about phragmites spraying. Gordon and Frank will put down some black plastic soon. Gordon is also investigating the possibility of select cutting and gentle logging of the area by a local owner of draft horses.
e.      Easement Stewardship:  Drinon easement has been walked. New landowners participated in the walk. Madeline Sanborn is scheduled for Monday April, 15th. Blackman easements are scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 4pm, weather permitting. Blaze will send e-mail day before. Meet at Grange Hall.
f.      There is some question about terms for current members. Bob will check with town about expiration year.
g.      Meeting ended at 8:55 pm
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, May 9 at 7 pm

Robert Mann, Chairman